Reviewing is the most important part of the app. Here you can see the flash cards for the words you added and notice if you remember their meaning and how to use them. The app offers three different review modes.
In every review mode the phone you show a card with the registered word written. It will also say the word, so you can practice your listening too.
By tapping the word card, a detail view will appear containg all your notes, links to the dictionary, image search, web search, etc.
Smart Review
The smart review is based on a spaced repetition algorithm. It's my favorite review mode and based on my answer it will show the word more often or in a more spaced manner. Each time a say the word is hard it will show it to me the next day, but if I say it is easy it will take longer and longer periods to the app show it again.
Review Last Words
In this mode, the app will show the words added most recently. The number of words that are shown here can be changed in settings screen.
Review Random Words
The app will randomly pick words from your collection and show them to you. The number of words chosen by the app also can set in settings screen.